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Obama Finally Ready To Help Small Business... Maybe

Since President Obama recently got his wish and passed a form of healthcare, many are wondering where his focus will shift next. Since his gaze has been rigidly, and surprisingly, turned away from the economy during this deep recession, the business community is hoping Mr. Obama finally offers concrete assistance to the engine that actually drives the U.S. economy: small business.

Last month the President called on Congress to recycle $30 billion of the remaining TARP funds into a government lending program offering capital to community banks that boost their small business lending. While credit conditions for large businesses have improved over the past year, a majority of small companies are still having great difficulty finding the capital they need to fund their operations.

So, is help on the way? Many remain skeptical, and who could blame them? The President has shown very little in the way of compassion for American business, as evidenced by his decree that “the rich” will pay for the trillion dollar healthcare overhaul. “The rich” Mr. Obama speaks of consists mainly of small to mid-sized business owners, many struggling to hold on to employees, capital and their livelihood.

If you’re a business owner searching for funds to boost operations, maybe your time has come. Maybe the government represents the cavalry. Maybe the wait is over.

Although many business owners remain hopeful, there is still a good chance that your struggle to find capital will continue. For those in this boat, there are alternatives sources of capital. And one of the best sources might come from where you least expect it: your own business. A Factoring Company offers a fast, safe, efficient way for businesses to receive capital; quickly and painlessly, by turning their receivables into cash.

Say, for example, you, the business owner, have a customer with an outstanding invoice for $10,000. The options for your business are limited. Patience, Collections, Threats. None of these choices are guaranteed to result in cash. But factoring likely will.

A factoring company like FactorKing.com will immediately pay you cash for that invoice. This option means that business owners aren’t always forced to wait for customers to pay per the agreed terms, which could be as far out as 90 days. Waiting for payment often results in a cash crunch and puts businesses into negative cash flow, thereby hindering business. The quick cash that factoring offers, allows businesses to pay expenses like salary, suppliers, etc. before they become an issue that prohibits growth.

So there may be hope for small business, even if the government handout doesn’t materialize as promised. And if there’s one thing small business needs nowadays, it's a little hope. And change.  

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