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The Best Factoring Companies Often Do Things A Bit Differently

When a business needs cash, several options are usually available. Companies that elect to factor their outstanding invoices for that cash must first determine which are the best factoring companies to choose from. Simple proposition? Not really.

Out of the sea of factoring companies out there, at first glance, it might be difficult to determine which is the best. When creating the proverbial checklist, we can start by asking the question every business does: "How soon will we get our cash?" The best factoring companies provide approval within 24 hours and funding the same day. Here's a list of what a business should expect from its factoring company:

1- Low discount rates.
2- High advance rates.
3- Approval within 24 hours after a simple, one-step approval process.
4- Same day funding.
5- Your money NOT held in escrow. Weaker factoring companies hold a portion of the client's money in an escrow account.
6- NO fees except for a simple discount fee. No funding fees, processing fees, underwriting fees or any other hidden fees.
7- Hybrid factoring that allows client complete control.
8- Approval that is NOT based on your personal or business credit scores.
9- 24/7 customer service from experts. Clients are never forwarded to a call center.
10- Instantaneous 24/7 account reporting in real time.

If your factoring company doesn't provide all of this, and more, you would be wise to search out another company.

FACTOR KING® is proud to be one of only a handful of factoring companies that offer all of the above. And more.

Our relationship with all our clients is very strong, and we are considered to be one of the premier factoring companies in the industry. We continue to provide our clients with much needed cash, helping them when they need help most.

Learn more about factoring your invoices for immediate cash.
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About Us

FACTOR KING® is a direct financial service provider that specializes in the Factoring of invoice receivables for companies that maintain commercial accounts receivables. Simply put the only criteria is that your receivables be from other businesses. >> READ MORE