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What Makes A Factoring Company Great? How It Treats Your Customers

Of the many considerations to make when choosing a factoring company (the fee you will pay, the speed at which you receive your cash, etc.), in the overall picture, none may be more important than how your customer is treated during the process.

When you factor your invoices, you're essentially handing over your client(s) to your factoring company's collections process. Considering that it's likely you wish to sustain a relationship with the customer, the last thing you want is for strong-armed collection agent to come between you and your customer.

A GREAT FACTORING COMPANY--and there are only a handful out there--does things differently. They don't pounce on your customer and demand payment on your invoices. Nor do they use tactics that in any way might harm the relationships you value.

we hold ourselves to these highest of standards when it comes to our clients' customers. We handle your customers with the utmost respect at all times. We never push in any way and we don't engage in harassing collection calls.

We contact the customer only after a receivable is submitted for purchase by the client. At that time we send a letter requesting the customer send all future payments for that particular vendor to our lockbox address

We are extremely flexible on confirmations of good receivables, and we employ all communication channels (email, fax, voice, & online portals) so the process is as pleasant as possible for all parties involved.

between you, your factoring company, and your customer is a delicate one. You need your customer to view your factoring company as a curteous, professional extension of your company--and this is exactly how we handle the relationship. We are representing you, our client, and we always go to great lengths to ensure your customers feel good about the process so that you may continue your relationship with them for many years to come.

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